Who is Ahueni?

Ahueni AG is a consortium of five impact investors, each with equal shares in the company. The company is founded on no-dividend (not-for-profit) principles. The idea behind Ahueni is to engage capital in climate finance projects, primarily to contribute to transparency and quality in these projects, then to source Carbon Credits on behalf of its network of affiliated companies. 

LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation (LGT VP) 

Independent, charitable foundation established in 2007 by HSH Prince Maximillian von und zu Liechtenstein.

SummaEquity logo
Summa Foundation

Swedish independent charitable foundation that owns 10 percent of Summa Equity with the main purpose of promoting prosperous societies and ecology.

Weitblick GmbH 

Non-profit, politically and financially independent Austrian company, developing and promoting projects in education, psychosocial health, integration and environmental awareness.

Baggins AG

Family owned investment company of Christian Sinding, Switzerland, CEO of EQT, a purpose-driven global investment company.

MV Capital AG

Family owned investment company of Monika Vollmer and Simon Michel, CEO of Ypsomed AG, a medical device company based in Switzerland

Simon Michel is Chairman of the Board of Ahueni
 Ahueni Managing Director
Gjermund Hansen

Tel & WhatsApp: 
+47 483 000 05
gjermund.hansen (at) ahueni.net